Media Downloads

Solvita Media Downloads

IRTH®is for soil ecologists, conservationists and carbon researchers who want to answer pertinent questions about carbon transformation

Solvita Media Downloads

IRTH® design and functionality draws on key elements of current, leading-edge innovations in measuring CO2 microbiology

Solvita Media Downloads

Solvita IRTH® is a simple yet highly sophisticated CO2 tool for monitoring CO2 emissions

Solvita Media Downloads

Solvita Volumetric Aggregate Stability Test is a rapid new lab method for aggregate stability

Solvita Media Downloads

In the new VAST method the volume of the soil sample is being measured

Solvita Media Downloads

The Solvita Soil Master Kit combines supplies for gathering samples and running a Field Biology test all in one sturdy carrying case.

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a coarse soil sieve is used to homogenize soil and remove sticks and stones

Solvita Media Downloads

The Solvita Test is a CO2-Sensitive Probe that measures microbe respiration.

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Seeing Soil Health

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Testing Soil Health

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Each soil has a “story” that Solvita helps reveal: in this case the history of the soil management is reflected in higher (vibrant soil) or lower (depleted soil) CO2 rates (ppm CO2-C)

Solvita is a test designed for modern soil labs to enable processing a quantity of soils each day with accurate results.

Solvita is a test designed for modern soil labs to enable processing a quantity of soils each day with accurate results.

Solvita Media Downloads

The CO2 Probes are easy to handle and insert into the soil test sample.

Solvita Media Downloads

A Digital Color Reader (DCR) is available to measure the color and ppm CO2 precisely

Taking a sample in the field

Solvita Media Downloads

Each Solvita Probe is color calibrated to find results visually in a standard index.