


Reports Demonstrating Application of Solvita® and CO2 Respiration in Soil Environments

Authors – Year

Title – Institution – Journal/Symposium

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Brinton, W., Basso, B., Millar, N., Covey, K., Bettigole, C., Jagadamma, S., Loeffler, F., Kolodney, S., 2025 An inter-laboratory comparison of soil organic carbon analysis on a farm with four agricultural management systems; Agronomy Journal, 2025 CLICK HERE
Hu, X., Machmuller, M., Blecker, S., Buchanan, C., Aksland, I., Firth, A., Ippolito, J., 2025 Comparing the Soil Management Assessment Framework to the Haney Soil Health Test Across Managed Agroecosystems, Agronomy Journal, 2025 CLICK HERE
Young, E., Vallotton, J., Kedir, A., Medaiyese, A., Goyer, C., Comeau, L., Unc, A., 2022 The impacts of rock pulverization on soil quality and functional soil nematode and respiration properties of boreal lands converted from forest to agricultural use CLICK HERE
Slade, H., Wells, L., 2022 Soil Quality Enhancement with Orchard Age in Pecan Orchards of the Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain; American Society for Horticultural Science, volume 57: Issue 9,
Brinton, W., 2022 Solvita Synthesis of Lab Proficiency Results 2021; Journal of the Woods End Research Laboratory, Issue 4.0 2022,
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Stutler, K. et al, 2022 Mine soil health on surface mined lands reclaimed to grassland, Geoderma 413 (2022) 115764, request by email
Guo, M., 2021 Soil Health Assessment and Management: Recent Development in Science and Practices, Soil Syst. 2021, 5, 61. CLICK HERE
Van Eerd, L., Congreves, K., Arcand, M., Lawley, Y., & Halde, C. 2021 Soil health and management. In M. Krzic, F.L. Walley, A. Diochon, M.C. Paré, & R.E. Farrell (Eds.), Digging into Canadian soils: An introduction to soil science (pp. 463–517). Pinawa, MB: Canadian Society of Soil Science. CLICK HERE
Chahal, I. et al 2021 Long-term effects of crop rotation, tillage, and fertilizer nitrogen on soil health indicators and crop productivity in a temperate climate, Soil & Tillage Research 213 (2021) 105121,
Galle, N. et al 2021 Spatial variability of urban forest topsoil properties: towards representative and robust sampling design, Open Research Europe 2021,
Bateman, A. et al 2021 Native plant diversity is a stronger driver for soil quality than inorganic
amendments in semi-arid post-mining rehabilitation, Geoderma 394 (2021) 115001,
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Ford, B.M. et al 2021 Paper chromatography: An inconsistent tool for assessing soil health, Geoderma 383 (2021) 114783,
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Head, J.S. et al, 2020 The Role of Citizen Science in Meeting SDG Targets around Soil Health, Sustainability 12, no. 24: 10254. CLICK HERE
Guillard, K. et al, 2020 Guiding fall fertilization of cool-season turfgrass lawns with NDVI sufficiency index,  Crop Science, Vol 61, issue 1,
Bruce-Iri, P.; Murupaenga-Ikenn, C. et al, 2020 Whakaora nga whenua whama: Utilising matauranga Maori and Western science to protect and restore the soil on rural farms in Te Tai Tokerau. A report prepared for UNESCO New Zealand. November 2020,
Bai, X.; Fernandez, I.J., 2020 Comparing publicly available databases to evaluate soil organic carbon in Maine, USA, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2020;84:1722–1736. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20123
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Sintim, H.Y. et al, 2020 Four years of continuous use of soil-biodegradable plastic mulch: impact on soil and groundwater quality, Geoderma 381 (2021) 114665,
Chahal, I; Van Eerd, LL,  2020 Cover crop and crop residue removal effects on temporal dynamics of soil carbon and nitrogen in a temperate, humid climate, PLoS ONE 15(7): e0235665.
Larkin, R., 2020 Effects of Selected Soil Amendments and Mulch Type on Soil Properties and Productivity in Organic Vegetable Production, Agronomy 2020, 10, 795; doi:10.3390/agronomy10060795
Cooper, R. et al, 2020 Conservation tillage and soil health: Lessons from a 5-year UK farm trial (2013–2018), Soil & Tillage Research 202 (2020) 104648,
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Brinton, W.,  2020 Laboratory Soil Handling Affects CO2 Respiration, Amino-N and Water Stable Aggregate Results, Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J. 2020; 24(2): 556262. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2020.22.556262
Franzluebbers, A. and Veum, K., 2020 Comparison of two alkali trap methods for measuring the flush of CO2, Agronomy Journal, DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20141
Franzluebbers, A., 2020 Soil mass and volume affect soil-test biological activity estimates, Soil Science Society of America Journal, DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20038
Dunsford, K. et al, 2020 Estimating in-crop nitrogen mineralisation in Victorian cropping systems, GRDC Project Code DAN00168, Agriculture Victoria, Australia
Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H., 2020 What plastic mulch can help biofumigation to better manage nematodes?, Cooperative Extension, University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Melendez, M. et al, 2020 New Jersey Farm Soil Copper Levels Resulting from Copper Fungizide Applications, HortTechnology, February 2020,
Nkongolo, K.K.; Narendrula-Kotha, R., 2020 Advances in monitoring soil microbial community dynamic and function, J Appl Genetics 61, 249–263 (2020).
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Humphries, N. et al, 2019 Case study: Appraisal of four soil-based metrics in the establishment of sustainable upland grassland at a mine site in South Wales, United Kingdom, Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 3.
Zegler, C.H. et al, 2019 Assessing the importance of plant, soil, and management factors affecting potential milk production on organic pastures using regression tree analysis, Agricultural Systems, 180 (2020), 102776,
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Qin, K. et al, 2019 Rhizosphere microbial biomass is affected by soil type, organic and water inputs in a bell pepper system, Applied Soil Ecology, Volume 138, 2019, Pages 80-87, request by email
Hargreaves, S.K. et al, 2019 Management sensitivity, repeatability, and consistency of interpretation of soil health indicators on organic farms in southwestern Ontario, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 99: 508-519 (2019),
Rogers, C.W. et al, 2019 Soil Carbonate Analysis Using the Solvita Compost Maturity Gel System, Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 4:190044 (2019), doi:10.2134/ael2019.10.0044
Bateman, A.M. et al, 2019 Water availability drives the effectiveness of inorganic amendments to increase plant growth and substrate quality, Catena 182 (2019) 104116,
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Chua, M. et al, 2019 Bio-priming seeds with cyanobacteria: effects on native plant growth and soil properties, The Journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration, doi: 10.1111/rec.13040
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Thompson, M. et al, 2019 Soil Health Assessments in Biofuel Cropping Systems, ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual Meeting, Nov 10-13, 2019, San Antonio, TX, poster presentation
Moore D. et al, 2019 Correlation between Solvita Labile Amino-Nitrogen and CO2-Burst Soil Health Tests and Response to Organic Fertilizer in a Turfgrass Soil, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
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Reeve, J. et al, 2019 Simple Soil Tests for On-Site Evaluation of Soil Health in Orchards, Sustainability 2019, 11(21), 6009; CLICK HERE
Hardy K. et al, 2019 An assessment of soil respiration on two contrasting urban forestry areas using the Solvita Gel System, Arboricultural Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2, 67-90,
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Moore, D. et al, 2019 Predicting Cool-Season Turgrass Response with Solvita Soil Tests, Part 2: CO2-Burst Carbon Concentrations, Crop Science, doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.11.0707 CLICK HERE
Jemison, J. et al, 2019 Soil Health of Recently Converted No-till Corn Fields in Maine, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
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Ford, B., Cook, B., Tunbridge, D., and Tilbrook, P., 2019 Using paper chromatography for assessing soil health in southwestern Australia, Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management, University of Western Australia
Brinton, W., 2019 Soil CO2 Respiration: Official Solvita Instructions (CO2-Burst), SOP 2019 Rev. 1 (DCR Models 701.2+), Method Update, replaces Version SOP 2019 and SOP 2016/1 (DCR Model 700.6)
Larkin, R., 2019 Effects of cover crops, rotation, and biological control products on soil properties and productivity in organic vegetable production in the Northeast US, Organic Agriculture,
Gazola, C.V. and Prates, T.X., 2019 Pastagem Degradada e Índices Biológicos De Qualidade Do Solo (Degraded Pasture and Soil Quality Indexes), Thesis Mato Grosso South Education and Culture Association Integrated Three Pond Colleges, AEMS, Agronomy Course, 2019, Brazil
Alvarez-Campos, O.; Evanylo G.K., 2019 Plant Available Nitrogen Estimation Tools for a Biosolids-Amended, Clayey Urban Soil, SSSAJ, doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.11.0441
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Moore, D. et al, 2019 Predicting Cool-Season Turfgrass Response with Solvita Soil Tests, Part 1: Labile Amino-Nitrogen Concentrations, Crop Science, Vol 59, July-August 2019, doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.11.0706
Moore, D. et al, 2019 Correlations between Two Alkali Extractable Amino-Nitrogen Tests and Response to Organic Fertilizer in Turfgrass Soils, SSSAJ, doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.10.0371
Chahal, I., 2019 Impact of cover crops and crop residue removal in soil quality, N dynamics, and processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield and quality, University of Guelph, thesis, doctor of philosophy in Environmental Sciences, May 2019
Bakhshandeh E. et al, 2019 A cost and time-effective method to evaluate soil microbial respiration for soil quality assessment, Applied Soil Ecology, Vol 140, 2019, p121-125,
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Bavougian, Ch. et al, 2019 Comparing Biological and Conventional Chemical Soil Tests in Long-Term Tillage, Rotation, N Rate Field Study, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol 83, p411-420, doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.06.0240
Bateman, A.M. et al, 2019 Inorganic soil amendments alter seedling performance of native plant species in post-mining arid zone rehabilitation, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol241, p179-186,
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Santini, N. et al, 2019 Natural and Regenerated Saltmarshes Exhibit Similar Soil and Belowground Organic Carbon Stocks, Root Production and Soil Respiration, Ecosystems,
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Brinton, W.; Vallotton, J., 2019 Basis for Comparisons of Soil CO2 Respiration Test Procedures, Letters to the Editor, Agricultural & Environmental Letters, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2019, doi:10.2134/ael2018.10.0053
Apfelbaum St. et al, 2019 AES White Paper: Defining Soil Health Within the Context of Ecosystem Health – A Framework, Applied Ecological Services WI
Laffely, A.E., 2019 Root Biomass and Other Soil Properties Affecting The CO2 Flush From Laboratory Dried and Rewetted Soils, University of Maine, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2952.
Van Eerd, L.; Hooker, D., 2019 Correlations of two commercial biological indicators of soil health in a longterm tillage system and crop rotation experiment in Ontario, Canada, SSSA International Soils Meeting, January 2019, San Diego, poster
Rosace, M.C.; Jeffery, S. et al, 2019 Legacy Effects Override Edaphic Factors Determinants of CO2, and N2O, but not CH4 Flux from Soil Following Digestate Application, Harper Adams University, UK, poster
Rosen, C. et al, 2019 Soil Fumigation’s Effects on Nitrogen Response and Soil Microbial Activity in a Potato Cropping System, SSSA International Soils Meeting, January 2019, San Diego, poster
Brinton, W.; Guillard, K.; 2019 How Do Soil Health Tests Vary Compared to Chemical Nutrient Tests on New England Dairy Farms? SSSA International Soils Meeting, January 2019, San Diego, poster
Brinton, W.; Vallotton, J., 2019 Tillage Effects on Soil Health Parameters as Measured Weekly over 100 Days, SSSA International Soils Meeting, January 2019, San Diego, poster
Brinton, W. et al, 2018 Re: Measuring Soil Respiration with a Gas Chromatograph, Letter to the Editor, CSA News, November 2018, doi:10.2134/csa2018.63.1126
Leskovar, D.; Othman Y.A., 2018 Organic and conventional farming differentially influenced soil respiration, physiology, growth and head quality of artichoke cultivars, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2018, 18 (3), 865-880,
Chatterjee, A.; Acharya, U., 2018 Relationship among Different Soil Biochemical Methods to Determine Soil Health, Open Journal of Soil Science, 2018, 8, 303-313,
Norris, R., B. K. Chim, G. Evanylo, M. Reiter, and W. Thomason, 2018 Assessment of In-Season Soil Nitrogen Tests for Corn Planted into Winter Annual Cover Crops, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82:1428-1436. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.01.0036
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Blubaugh, C.K. et al, 2018 Bacteria and Competing Herbivores Weaken Top-Down and Bottom-Up Aphid Suppression, Frontiers in Plant Science, Sept 2018, Vol 9, Article 1239, doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.01239
Yost, M.A. et al, 2018 Evaluation of the Haney Soil Health Tool for corn nitrogen recommendations across eight Midwest states, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Sept/Oct 2018, Vol 73, No 5, doi:10.2489/jswc.73.5.587
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Brinton, W.; Guillard, K., 2018 Variability of Soil Health Tests Compared to Chemical Nutrient Tests: A Soil Test Survey on 18 Farms in New England, poster presented at Soil Health Institute 3rd Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, NM, August 1-3, 2018
Rogers, C.W et al, 2018 Evaluation of Soil Tests for Measuring Potentially Mineralizable Soil N in Southern Idaho Soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.01.0054
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Franzluebbers, A., 2018 Soil-Test Biological Activity with the Flush of CO2: III. Corn Yield Responses to Applied Nitrogen, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82:708-721, doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.01.0029
Vallotton, J., 2018 Reducing Tillage in Small-Scale Permanent Bed Organic Vegetable Production Systems, University of Maine, Master Thesis, Spring 2018, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2869.
Berrada, A; Roseberry C., 2018 The Feasibility of Cover Crops in Dryland Cropping Systems in SW Colorado and SE Utah, Western SARE Research & Education Project SW15-008, 2015-2017 Results
Wilson, C. et al, 2018 Short-Term Effects of Diverse Compost Products on Soil Quality in Potato Production, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 82:889–900, doi:10.2136/sssaj2017.10.0345
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Garnett, J., 2018 Promoting the Re-Vegetation of Disturbed Pit and Quarry Soil Using Grodan® Rockwood Treated with Wastewater as a Nitrogen and Phosphorus Source, University of Guelph, School of Environmental Science, Master Thesis, April 2018
Muñoz-Rojas, M. et al, 2018 Cyanobacteria Inoculation enhances Carbon Sequestration in Soil Substrates used in Dryland Restoration, Science of the Total Environment, 636 (2018), 1149-1154,
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Warren, J.G. et al, 2018 An Automated Laboratory Method for Measuring CO2 Emissions from Soils, Agricultural & Environmental Letters, doi:10.2134/ael2018.02.0008
Van Eerd, L.L.; Chahal I., 2018 Evaluation of Commercial Soil Health Tests Using a Medium-Term Cover Crop Experiment in a Humid, Temperate Climate, Plant and Soil,
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Nowak-Thompson, B. 2018 Using Solvita SLAN Tests in an Undergraduate Biology Course, Cornell College, Iowa
Moore, D., 2018 Predicting the Nitrogen Fertilizer Response of Turfgrass Based on Solvita Soil Test Results, University of Connecticut, Master Theses, 1175
Haney R.L. et al, 2018 The Soil Health Tool – Theory and Initial Broad-Scale Application, Journal of Applied Soil Ecology,
S. Arango-Caro; T. Woodford-Thomas, 2018 Soil Respiration in Natural and Anthropogenic Habitats and its Relationship to Soil Temperature and Water Content, MO DIRT – A citizen science project to monitor soil health in Missouri, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Poster presented at Agroforestry Symposium at UMC, January 2018, ProQuest Number: 10687019
Kneller, T.; Muñoz-Rojas, M. et al, 2018 Native-plant Amendments and Topsoil Addition enhance Soil Function in Post-Mining Arid Grasslands, Science of the Total Environment, 621 (2018) 744-752, request by email
Rutan, J.A. 2017 Integrating Nitrogen Fertilizer Strategies, Models, and Cover Crops to Optimize Corn Production and Soil Health, Michigan State University, Dissertation, 2017, ProQuest Number: 10687019
Sciarappa, W. et al, 2017 Assessing soil health in highbush blueberry with the Solvita CO2 respiration test, ISHS Acta Horticulturae, DOI10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1180.44
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Mitchell, J. et al, 2017 Cover cropping and no-tillage improve soil health in an arid irrigated cropping system in California’s San Joaquin Valley, USA, Soil & Tillage Research 165, 325-335, request by email
Franzluebbers, A. 2017 Exploring Variations in Key Soil Properties for Soil Health Assessment, ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2017, oral paper CLICK HERE
Erich, S.; Laffley, A. et al 2017 Evaluating Root Biomass Effects on the CO2 Flush from Laboratory Dried and Rewetted Soils, ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2017, oral paper CLICK HERE
Brinton, W.; Vallotton, J. et al 2017 Basal Soil CO2 Respiration during an Organic Cropping Season, ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2017, oral paper CLICK HERE
Gauvreau P., 2017 How Mechanical Disturbances Affect Soil Respiration Rates in Urban Forests Five to Eleven Years After Development, master thesis, University of Guelph, May 2017
Yost, M, 2017 Evaluation of the Soil Health Nutrient Tool for Corn Nitrogen Recommendations across the Midwest, ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2017, oral paper CLICK HERE
Gault, M, 2017 Soil Microbial Respiration at Different Drying Temperatures, ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, 2017, poster presentation
Udall, D. et al, 2017 The Potential of Biochar and Anaerobic Digestate Use in a Temperate Conventional Wheat Production System, Int. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 4, no. 10, p 44-49, 2017
Chatterjee, A.; Acharya U., 2017 Linking Soil Biological Indicators for Different Soil Types in North Dakota, Dept of Soil Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ACS Meeting 2017, Tampa FL
Mureva, A.; Ward, D.,  2017 Soil Microbial Biomass and Functional Diversity in Shrub-Encroached Grasslands along a Precipitation Gradient, Pedobiologia – Journal of Soil Ecology,
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Curtin, D. et al, 2017 Rapid Assays to Predict Nitrogen Mineralization Capacity of Agricultural Soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.08.0265
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Ward, D. et al, 2017 An African grassland responds similarly to long-term fertilization to the Park Grass experiment, PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177208.
Ward, D. et al, 2017 Soil Respiration declines with increasing nitrogen fertilization and is not related to productivity in longer-term grassland experiments, Soil Biology & Biochemistry,
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Birge, H., 2017 Soil Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs and Social-Ecological Resilience in the North Central Great Plains, Dissertation & Thesis in Natural Resources, 159, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Hamilton, L., 2017 Reducing On-Farm Nitrous Oxide Emissions through Improved Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Grains,  Summary Report, An Action on the Ground Research Trial and Demonstration Project, June 2017, Agriculture and Rural Division, Dept of Economic Development, Victoria, Australia
Bevans, R., 2017 Plant Diversity Influences the Structure and Function of a Restored Prairie and its Responses to Added Disturbance, Dissertation & Theses in Natural Resources, 147, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Guillard, K.; Moore, D.; Brinton, W. 2017 Solvita Soil Test Kits to Categorize Turfgrass Site Responsiveness to Nitrogen Fertilization – 2016 Results – 2016 Annual Turfgrass Research Report, University of Connecticut
Brinton, W., 2017 Effect of Coarse and Fine Soil Sieving on Solvita CO2 Burst and Other Traits of NAPT Soil, Woods End Laboratory Research Journal Vol 2 Feb 2017
Hartz, T.K.; Castro Bustamente, S.J., 2016 Carbon Mineralization and Water-Extractable Organic Carbon and Nitrogen as Predictors of Soil Health and Nitrogen Mineralization Potential, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, doi:10.1080/00103624.2016.1232095
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Tu, X., 2016 Solvita and Other Measures as Indicators of Soil N Availability in Minnesota Soils, Thesis Graduate School of the University of Minnesota
Brinton, W., 2016 2016 Proficiency Results on Solvita® CO2-Burst and SLAN Tests for Soil Testing Laboratories
Ketterings, Q. et al , 2016 Soil Properties under Nitrogen- vs. Phosphorus-Based Manure and Compost Management of Corn, Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.03.0086
Brinton, W., 2016 Official Solvita Instructions for SLAN (Solvita Labile Amino Nitrogen – Lab Method), Version 2016/S
USDA-NRCS, 2016 Soil Quality Enhancement Activity – SQL15 – Utilize the soil health nutrient tool to assess soil nutrient pools, Fiscal Year 2015-2016, and 2017 Renewals, Ohio NRCS CSP Job Sheet Supplement, Activity SQL15
Comito, J., 2016 Management of performance of Iowa cover crops, Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports, Paper 516
Ward, D. et al, 2016 Soil fertility on granite and sedimentary soils is associated with seasonal differences in foraging by elephants,  Plant and Soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-016-3067-y
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Thomsen, E.O., 2016 Simple Soil Quality Tests and Organic Management Practices for Orchards in the Intermountain West, Utah State University Graduate Studies, Paper 5050
Muñoz-Rojas, M. et al, 2016 Soil Physiochemical and Microbiological Indicators of short, medium and long term post-fire recovery in semi-arid ecosystems, Ecological Indicators, 63 (2016) 14-22
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Guillard, K.; Moore, D.; Brinton, W. 2016 Solvita Soil Test Kits to Categorize Turfgrass Site Responsiveness to Nitrogen Fertilization – 2015 Results – 2015 Annual Turfgrass Research Report, University of Connecticut
Muñoz-Rojas, M. et al, 2016 Soil Quality Indicators to assess Functionality of Restored Soils in Degraded Semiarid Ecosystems – Restoration Ecology, doi: 10.1111/rec.12368
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Morrow, J.G.; Huggins, D.R.; Reganold, J.P., 2016 Evaluating Measures to Assess Soil Health in Long-Term Agroecosystem Trials – Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi:10.2136/sssaj2015.08.0308
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Franzluebbers, A.J., 2016 Should Soil Testing Services Measure Soil Biological Activity? – Agricultural & Environmental Letters, Research Letter, Feb 9, 2016, ASA, CSSA, SSSA
Nkongolo, K.K. et al, 2016 Assessing Biological Impacts of Land Reclamation in a Mining Region in Canada: Effects of Dolomitic Lime Applications on Forest Ecosystems and Microbial Phospholipid Fatty Acid Signatures – Water Air Soil Pollution (2016) 227:104 request by email
Fungenzi, T., 2015 Evaluation of a Commercial Soil Health Index Based on the Solvita CO2-Burst Test, Cranfield University, School of Energy, Environment and Agrifood,  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17309.72160
Brinton, W.; Burger, B., 2015
Solvita Technology for Soil CO2 Respiration: Influence of Various Soil Factors – Synergy in Science, ASA, CSSA, SSSA 2015 Annual Meeting, Nov 15-18, Minneapolis, MN
Smith, H.; Pretorius, W. et al, 2015
Exploring Some Soil Biological Indicators – Grain SA (, November 2015
Haney, R. et al, 2015 Estimating Potential Nitrogen Mineralisation Using the Solvita Soil Respiration System – Open Journal of Soil Science, 2015, 5, 319-323
Brinton, W.,  2015 Variables Influencing Solvita CO2 Respiration Results – introducing the Water Filled Pore Space (WFPS) Wetting Method, Woods End Laboratory Research Journal Vol 1 April 2015
Sciarappa, W.; Murphy, S. et al, 2015 Surveying Soil Health with the Solvita CO2 Respiration Test – Journal of the NACAA, Vol 8, Issue 2, December 2015
Montgomery, J. et al, 2015 Soil Quality Assessment is a Necessary First Step for Designing Urban Green Infrastructure – Journal of Environmental Quality, JEQ2015.04.0192 request by email
Bosarge T., 2015 A Soil Quality Index for Alabama – thesis Graduate Faculty of Auburn University, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences
Zhang, M. et al, 2015 Water-Extractable Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Affected by Crop Rotation and Fertilizer Management – chapter from SSSA Special Publication 62 “Labile Organic Matter”
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Blignaut, J. et al. 2015 Promoting and advancing the uptake of sustainable, regenerative, conservation agricultural practices in South Africa with a specific focus on dryland maize and extensive beef production – Asset Research, booklet nr 2. Pretoria: ASSET Research
Hartz T.K., Castro Bustamante, S., 2015 Nitrogen Management in Organic Processing Tomato Production: Nitrogen Sufficiency Prediction Through Early-season Soil and Plant Monitoring (Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis) – HortScience Vol. 50(7):1055-1063. 2015 request by email
Guillard, K., McIntosh P., Brinton, W 2015 Solvita® Soil Test Kits To Categorize Turfgrass Site Responsiveness to Nitrogen Fertilization – 2014 Results, 2014 Annual Turfgrass Research Report, University of Connecticut
Jachowski, V., et al. 2015 A Preliminary Study of Soundscape Analysis as a Measurement of Ecosystem Health, DePaul University, Vol 4 Issue 1 CLICK HERE
Narendrula, R.,  Nkongolo K.K. 2015 Fatty Acids Profile of Microbial Populations in a Mining Reclaimed Region Contaminated with Metals: Relation with Ecological Characteristics and Soil Respiration, Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation, Vol 6 Issue 2
Goupil, K.; Nkongolo, K., 2014 Assessing Soil Respiration as an Indicator of Soil Microbial Activity in Reclaimed Metal Contaminated Lands, American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10 (4): 403-411, 2014, doi:10.3844/ajessp.2014.403.411
Hutchinson, M., et al 2013 Residual Effects of Compost Applied to Sweet Corn Over Two Crop Seasons, Journal of the NACAA, Vol 6, Issue 1, ISSN 2158-9429 CLICK HERE
Brinton, W & M Hutchinson 2013 Maize Performance in Relation to Soil Compost Rates and Soil Health Test Factors. (Univ. Maine) ASA-SSSA-CSA Symposium, Palm Beach
Brinton, W and R. Haney 2013 Solvita CO2-Burst Respiration: A Rapid Means to Gauge Soil Biological Activity and Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen. International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis, ISSPA, New Zealand
R. D. Harmel et al. 2013 Initial Field Evaluation of the Agro-Economic Effects of Determining Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates with a Recently-Developed Soil Test Methodology, in Open Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 3, 91-99 (USDA ARS)
Evanylo, G. & McGuinn R., 2009 Agricultural Management Practices and Soil Quality: Measuring, assessing, and comparing laboratory and field test kit indicators of soil quality attributes, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Publication 452-400
R. Haney & W. Brinton, 2008 Soil CO2 Respiration: Comparison of Chemical Titration, CO2 IRGA Analysis and the Solvita Gel System. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 23(2); 171-176, doi:10.1017/S174217050800224X
R. Haney & W. Brinton 2008 Estimating Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous Mineralization from Short-Term Carbon Dioxide Respiration. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39:2706-2720, DOI: 10.1080/00103620802358862
Brinton, W. & Evans, E., 2005 Use of a novel colometric gel-respirometer to monitor soil carbon dioxide respiration, Proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis, Cancun, Mexico.
R. Haney, A.J. Franzluebbers et al. 2001 A rapid procedure for estimating nitrogen mineralization in manured soil, published in Biol Fertil Soils.
USDA 1999 Soil Respiration Test Guidelines, Soil Quality Institute, USDA ARS
Departamento de Agricultura 1999 USDA Instituto de Calida de Suelos [Spanish translation of soil quality institute guidelines]
Doran, J.; Kettler, T. and Tsivou, M., 1997 Field and Laboratory Solvita Soil Test Evaluation, USDA-ARS, Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Brinton, W., 1996 Solvita: A New Test for Living Soil. 5th IFOAM International Conference. Christ Church College, Oxford, UK request by email


Publications demonstrating application of Solvita® in Composting Assessment

Author (s)




Zhang, J. et al 2020 Physical and chemical properties of Camellia oleifera shell composts with different additives and its maturity evaluation system, request by email Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
Lee, JH.; Luyima, D.; Lee, CH. et al
2020 Appl Biol Chem 63, 68 (2020).
Smith B.A.M. et al 2020 Effect of neem leaf inclusion rates on compost physico-chemical,
thermal and spectroscopic stability, request by email
Waste Management 114 (2020) 136–147,
McNicol, G. et al 2020 Climate change mitigation potential in sanitation via off-site composting human waste, request by email Nat. Clim. Chang. (2020). Nat. Clim. Chang. (2020).
Siddiqui, S. et al 2020 Recent Advances in Assessing the Maturity and Stability of Compost (Chapter 9), request by email Biology of Composts, Soil Biology 58,
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