Basic Soil CO2-Burst


9 Pack with PS Jars

SKU: 2357 Categories: ,


Basic Soil CO2-Burst Overview: Solvita CO2-Burst in the new mode is a soil laboratory protocol which measures the flush of CO2 immediately after soil is moistened. CO2-Burst is a special instance of soil microbial respiration due to rapid microbial resuscitation after a disturbance event of dryness followed by rapid re-wetting. It serves as an overall indicator of aerobic soil microbial potential.

Basic Soil CO2-Burst Application: This simple, standardized application requires dried soil to be added by volume to 475mL (1 pint) incubation jars, and then wetted by a specified volumetric protocol and then closed with a CO2-probe inserted for a 24-hr period at fixed temperature.

Results of the CO2-Burst are read with a Solvita Digital Color Reader (DCR) in CO2-Lo mode to attain appropriate quantification as Solvita Color Units and mg/kg CO2-C. By using the new 2019 SOP results obtained by Solvita in this sizing configuration are application from 5 – 225 mg/kg.

Basic Soil CO2-Burst Contents: Included in the test kit package are:

  • 9 Soil CO2 detector probes
  • 9 Incubation jars (polystyrene 475mL with lids affixed with gas-tight gaskets)
  • 9 small 50mL beakers with plastic screens in which soil is to be placed
  • 30cc scoop with striker
  • Color Chart for reading Soil CO2 levels
  • SOLVITA 2019 Instruction Manual with interpretation guide

Refills: Additional jars and probes in lab-pack quantities are available to maintain the test.

Additional information

Weight 4.5 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 12 × 5 in

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